Equality Plan

How do we ensure equality at Saber.tech?

I declare the commitment in the creation and development of policies that integrate equal treatment and opportunities between women and men, without discriminating directly or indirectly on the ground of sex, as well as the promotion and encouragement of measures to achieve real equality within our entity, in accordance with the definition of this principle established by the Spanish Organic Law 3/2007, of March 22, for effective equality between women and men.

Non-discrimination will be ensured in each and every one of the areas in which the activity of this company is developed, from selection to promotion, including salary policy, training, working conditions and employment, occupational health, and management between women and men.

Concerning communication, both internally and externally, all decisions taken in this context will be reported and an image of the company will be projected in accordance with this principle of equal opportunities between women and men.

The declared principles will be put into practice through the promotion of equality measures or through the implementation of an Equality Plan, and establishing lines of action with the aim of advancing in the achievement of real equality between women and men in the whole society.

In order to carry out this purpose, access to information on the content of the Equality Plans and the achievement of their objectives, as established in Spanish Organic Law 3/2007, as well as in the whole process of development and evaluation of the mentioned equality measures or Equality Plan, is guaranteed to the workers themselves.